you know
PACARKU UDAH PULAAANGG ! HORAAAAYYYY!you know gue lagi pusing nyari artikel buat presentasi LIA besok nih hahahaha. Males bangettt yaAllah baru High intermediate two yaaa setau gue tuh High intermediate four presentasi begini nya. Help me dooonggg analisis artikel nya, gue baru inget hari ini lagi padahal besoknya presentasi. Nah kan gue bingung ya mau pake artikel yang mana terus nnisa ngusulin kalo gosip yang Manohara udah ketemu itu loohhh nah bole juga kan buat lawakan dikelas gue, tapi gue search di jakarta post ga ada. capek dong ya kalo gue translate sendiri belom analisis nya. oke jadinya gue pake artikel yang intinya "Indonesia should have been fifth on the list of the world’s most corrupt countries, but it turned out to be number one because it tried to bribe the international rating agency. That is the joke going around every time Indonesia tops the list of most corrupt countries". Pas gue baca sih gue kasian sama Indonesia hahahaha. Okedeh gue mau nerusin analisis dulu nih besok kan udah presentasi. Dadah....
On May 31, 2009 at 5:55 AM
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hello i am dea yufiana. just cal me dheya. i am just an ordinary girl who needs god,friends to share, family,and him that i love. i can't live without them.Shout out
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